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边界层参数化对海南岛海风环流结构模拟的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用WRF V3.7详细分析了应用8种边界层参数化方案(YSU、MYNN2.5、MYNN3、ACM2、BouLac、UW、SH、GBM)所模拟的2014年5月25日海南岛海风环流结构的差异,其中YSU、ACM2和SH为非局地闭合方案,MYNN2.5、MYNN3、BouLac、UW和GBM为局地闭合方案。结果表明:对于海风环流水平结构的模拟,15时,YSU、ACM2、BouLac、UW和SH模拟的北部海风较强,SH和GBM的内陆风速偏大。温度与海风发展强度相对应,MYNN2.5与MYNN3模拟的岛屿温度偏低,海陆温差小,海风相对较弱。对于海风环流垂直结构的模拟,09时海风开始,但强度较小,且存在残余陆风,向内陆传播距离较短,YSU、MYNN2.5和SH方案的海风相对较强。12时,海风已呈现出较为清晰的环流结构,YSU和ACM2的海风厚度及向内陆传播距离相对强于其它方案,MYNN3的环流结构则不太明显,且向内陆推进距离短,海风相对较弱。15时,海风发展强盛,MYNN2.5和MYNN3方案模拟的海风垂直强度较小,ACM2方案的海风垂直环流特征最为明显。18时,海风的强度和扰动均有所减弱,ACM2、BouLac和UW的整体海风相对强于其它方案。21时海风已基本转为陆风,BouLac与UW的陆风环流结构最为清晰。位温、水汽及海风垂直环流强度的发展变化与海风的演变过程基本一致。造成ACM2模拟海风偏强的原因是其边界层垂直混合偏强,形成了足够的湍流混合强度所致。对于边界层高度的模拟,ACM2的边界层顶最高,这与此方案所模拟的海风强度偏大相吻合,其它方案的边界层高度与海风强度并不完全一致。   相似文献   
利用2005-2016年青海高原地面观测、灾情和卫星云图等资料,对青海高原致灾性对流天气进行筛选和分类,在此基础上分析了各类致灾性对流天气的时空分布特征及与地形的关系。结果表明:(1)青海高原致灾性对流主要有雷暴、短时强降水、冰雹以及混合类四种,集中分布于高原东部。(2)地形对致灾性对流的落区、频次和强度起关键作用。雷暴多产生于山区,短时强降水和冰雹主要产生在迎风坡、河谷和地势较开阔的低地。其中,青东农区以混合类和冰雹居多,青南牧区以混合类居多,环湖与祁连地区和柴达木盆地以短时强降水居多。(3)近12 a青海高原致灾性对流整体呈波动式减少,2005-2010年(前期)致灾性对流日数和次数较多,2011-2016年(后期)显著减少,但不同类型年际变化特征略有差异。其中,冰雹和雷暴日数前期较大,后期显著减少;混合类和短时强降水日数无明显变化趋势,但前者年际波动幅度较后者大。(4)致灾性对流主要产生于5-9月,各类型均呈现典型的单峰型月分布,混合类和冰雹日数及次数的峰值均在8月,雷暴日数和次数的峰值均在6月,而短时强降水日数和次数的峰值分别在8月、7月。(5)致灾性对流集中产生于13:00至次日01:00,高峰时段(16:00-20:00)以冰雹和混合类居多,而夜间时段以短时强降水居多。  相似文献   
为全面了解航天飞机雷达测图计划(shuttle Radar topography mission,SRTM)高程数据的精度及误差特征,利用精度更高的ICESat/GLAS激光高度计数据(简称ICESat高度计数据)为参照数据,以具有多种地貌类型的中国青藏高原地区为实验区,采用双线性插值算法分析了SRTM在中国青藏高原地区的高程精度,以及SRTM高程数据与地形因子(坡度和坡向)间的关系。实验结果表明:在青藏高原地区,ICESat高度计数据与相对应的SRTM高程数据高度相关,相关系数高达0.999 8;SRTM的系统误差为2.36±16.48 m,中误差(RMSE)为16.65 m;当坡度低于25°时,SRTM高程数据精度随坡度增大而显著降低。此外,相对于ICESat高度计数据,SRTM在青藏高原地区N,NW和NE方向的测量值偏高,在S,SE和SW方向的测量值偏低。  相似文献   
基于同波束干涉测量原理和观测模型,针对月面目标特性,推导了给定着陆器先验位置的差分时延、差分时延率观测方程。引入指定高程约束、月球数字地形模型等约束方程,提出巡视器相对位置确定的卡尔曼滤波算法。通过仿真数据进行了验证和评估,表明该算法可快速、较高精度地确定月面巡视器相对着陆器的位置。  相似文献   
陡坡陡崖作为一种特殊的地形地貌,是造成滑坡、泥石流等各种地质灾害的重要因素之一。由陡坡陡崖引发的地质灾害会破坏人造地物,对人类的生命财产安全造成严重危害。本文利用DEM数据提取了浙江省温州市的陡坡陡崖,对温州市陡坡陡崖的影响范围进行系统研究,构建了温州市陡坡陡崖的潜在滑坡方向模型,并确定其对人造地物(如道路、房屋)的影响。本文主要研究内容有以下两个:①提取陡坡陡崖并对其潜在滑坡方向进行建模;②根据影响范围提取受影响的人造地物并建立基础数据库。结果表明,温州市的陡坡陡崖数量多,分布范围广且集中,其引发的地质灾害会对人造地物造成严重的潜在影响。本文构建的温州市基础数据库可以描述陡坡陡崖潜在影响的房屋和道路的位置,确定灾害重点防治区域,为温州市的灾害防治工作提供服务。  相似文献   
Topography and landscape characteristics affect the storage and release of water and, thus, groundwater dynamics and chemistry. Quantification of catchment scale variability in groundwater chemistry and groundwater dynamics may therefore help to delineate different groundwater types and improve our understanding of which parts of the catchment contribute to streamflow. We sampled shallow groundwater from 34 to 47 wells and streamflow at seven locations in a 20‐ha steep mountainous catchment in the Swiss pre‐Alps, during nine baseflow snapshot campaigns. The spatial variability in electrical conductivity, stable water isotopic composition, and major and trace ion concentrations was large and for almost all parameters larger than the temporal variability. Concentrations of copper, zinc, and lead were highest at sites that were relatively dry, whereas concentrations of manganese and iron were highest at sites that had persistent shallow groundwater levels. The major cation and anion concentrations were only weakly correlated to individual topographic or hydrodynamic characteristics. However, we could distinguish four shallow groundwater types based on differences from the catchment average concentrations: riparian zone‐like groundwater, hillslopes and areas with small upslope contributing areas, deeper groundwater, and sites characterized by high magnesium and sulfate concentrations that likely reflect different bedrock material. Baseflow was not an equal mixture of the different groundwater types. For the majority of the campaigns, baseflow chemistry most strongly resembled riparian‐like groundwater for all but one subcatchment. However, the similarity to the hillslope‐type groundwater was larger shortly after snowmelt, reflecting differences in hydrologic connectivity. We expect that similar groundwater types can be found in other catchments with steep hillslopes and wet areas with shallow groundwater levels and recommend sampling of groundwater from all landscape elements to understand groundwater chemistry and groundwater contributions to streamflow.  相似文献   
针对海底地形与重力异常和重力异常垂直梯度在相应频段呈现强线性相关的特点,引入多元回归分析技术,提出并详细推导了联合多元重力数据的海底地形建模方法。然后,在西南印度洋SWIR(Southwest India Ridge)所在部分海域开展了海底地形反演试验及地形地貌分析研究。试验结果表明:6种海深模型中,基于多元回归分析技术构建的海深模型(BDVG模型)检核精度最高,相较于S&S V18.1模型和ETOPO1模型精度分别提高了11.51%和57.81%左右;2000 m以上水深海域,各个海深模型的检核精度较高,相对误差波动较小,反映了深海海域具有良好的反演效果;地形起伏剧烈海域或者浅海海域,BDVG海深模型,相较于以重力异常和重力异常垂直梯度作为单一输入源建立的BDG模型和BVGG模型相对误差及相对误差波动变化较小,反映了BDVG模型拥有更好的稳定性,从而体现了联合反演的必要性和优势。Indomed FZ—Gallieni FZ上唯一轴部缺失裂谷洋脊段(27洋脊段)目前属于岩浆供应充足阶段,构造作用的海底扩张对其影响较小;同时由于对称裂离方式影响,27洋脊段沿轴南北对称分布有地形隆起。  相似文献   
The substructures of offshore wind turbines are subjected to extreme breaking irregular wave forces. The present study is focused on investigating breaking irregular wave forces on a monopile using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based numerical model. The breaking irregular wave forces on a monopile mounted on a slope are investigated with a numerical wave tank. The experimental and numerical irregular free surface elevations are compared in the frequency-domain for the different locations in the vicinity of the cylinder. A numerical analysis is performed for different wave steepness cases to understand the influence of wave steepness on the breaking irregular wave loads. The wave height transformation and energy level evolution during the wave shoaling and wave breaking processes is investigated. The higher-frequency components generated during the wave breaking process are observed to play a significant role in initiating the secondary force peaks. The free surface elevation skewness and spectral bandwidth during the wave transformation process are analysed and an investigation is performed to establish a correlation of these parameters with the breaking irregular wave forces. The role of the horizontal wave-induced water particle velocity at the free surface and free surface pressure in determining the breaking wave loads is highlighted. The higher-frequency components in the velocity and pressure spectrum are observed to be significant in influencing the secondary peaks in the breaking wave force spectrum.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a parametric study of irregular wave run-up over fringing reefs using the shock-capturing Boussinesq wave model Funwave-TVD to better understand the role of fringing reefs in the mitigation of wave-driven flooding. Laboratory experiments were newly performed with a typical fringing reef profile and typical hydrodynamic conditions to validate the model. Experimental data shows irregular wave run-ups are dominated by the low-frequency motions and confirms the run-up resonant phenomenon over the back-reef slope, which has been revealed in previous numerical studies. It is demonstrated that irregular wave evolution and run-up over fringing reefs are reasonably reproduced by the present model with a proper grid size. However, the infragravity run-up height and highest 2% run-up height over the back-reef slope are under-predicted due to the underestimation of the infragravity wave height over the reef flat. The validated model was then utilized to model irregular wave transformations and run-ups under different conditions. Through a series of numerical experiments, the effects of key hydrodynamic and reef geometry parameters, including the reef flat width, water depth over the reef flat, fore-reef slope angle and back-reef slope angle, on the irregular wave run-up were investigated. Variations of spectral components of irregular wave run-ups were examined to better understand the physical process underlying the effect of each parameter.  相似文献   
This paper investigates an approach to limit the fullness of ‘tuning’ provided by wave-by-wave impedance matching control of wave energy devices in irregular waves. A single analytical formulation based on the Lagrange multiplier approach of Evans [1] is used to limit the velocity amplitude while also limiting the closeness of the phase match between velocity and exciting force. The paper studies the effect of the present technique in concurrently limiting the device velocity and the required control/actuation force. Time domain application requires wave-profile prediction, which here is based on a deterministic propagation model. Also examined in the time domain is the effect of possible violation of the displacement constraint, which for many designs implies impacts at hard stops within the power take-off mechanism. Time domain simulations are carried out for a 2-body axisymmetric converter (with physical end-stops) in sea states reported for a site off the US east coast. It is found that the approach leads to effective power conversion in the less energetic sea states, while as desired, considerable muting of the optimal response is found in the larger sea states. Under the assumptions of this work, the end-stop collisions are found to have a minor effect on the power conversion. The present approach could be used to guide the design of power take-off systems so that their displacement stroke, maximum force, and resistive and reactive power limits are well-matched to the achievable performance of a given controlled primary energy converter.  相似文献   
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